
If you wish review my novel “BUSCADORA DE ABRAZOS” request your copy by sending an email to

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“Trapped in some paper sheets”. June 2016

“An entertaining and curious book that makes you want to read”.

Full review…

Berenguela is a middle-aged woman, that after suffering a tragic setback in life you should undertake a painful journey of overcoming. Believed to be alone, but she is accompanied by wonderful Beings from another world and who pursue, the sole purpose, lead her back to herself. Fabiola is one of them, rebellious and capricious will attract worldly pleasures and succumbs hopelessly to the chocolate and hugs. He wants to be human and frustration, drag Berenguela astray. Their continuous blunders in the star cause a bloody internal struggle, sufrirá porque una incontrolable pasión que considera absurda e inadecuada, le impide ser leal a su amor. When you feel like all is lost, It makes a decision that will change the course of his life forever.
The author, through this inspiring story suggests to us a beautiful recommendation: "Choose look after, escucharte,
regalarte momentos únicos y rodearte de personas especiales. Ponte en primer lugar y con absoluto descaro, ¡ÁMATE!”.
The beginning of this book is most interesting, the author introduces us to some peculiar beings so briefly that it leaves you wanting more, then this point is set aside to show us the life of Berenguela, a woman with her own ideas, later the story will take different protagonists.
The narrative is not something continuous but rather shows us moments of importance of the lives of the characters, so that we can understand or understand their way of seeing and living life, tan diferente a lo que se está acostumbrado en el mundoreal”.
It has been quite mysterious since I had that need to continue reading to see what the author really had prepared and where she wanted to go or arrive with all the events.
A book entertaining and curious in which you don't get to know everything all of a sudden and that makes you want to keep reading to see how the whole approach will end.
The cover is curious to me, just like its title.

Readers say (I)

Readers say (II)






Thanks to carmenbook.s for their collaboration.

Here I transcribe his words, espero que despierte vuestra curiosidad y deseéis sumergiros en la magia de “Homing hugs”.

Ya sabéis que últimamente me estoy empezando a aficionar a los libros de fantasía como este.

In this book fantasy is mixed with reality, so if you are not a fan of fantasy, you will like this book anyway. Real characters are combined, everyday, with fantastic beings that real characters cannot see or hear. These beings sneak into people's minds when they sleep and help them make the right decisions..

I have really enjoyed reading this book and thinking that this parallel world could exist.

The main characters are a group of friends with whom you will undoubtedly feel identified.

This book invites you to learn to take care of yourself, to spend moments alone and enjoy oneself, ya que al fin y al cabo somos lo mejor que tenemos”.

What do you think?

Gracias a LibrosyLiteratura/LibrosTV por la reseña que han hecho de mi “Homing hugs”.

Os dejo un pequeño extracto y al final el enlace a su web donde podéis leerla íntegramente. Espero que os guste.

Conocer a Concepción, literariamente hablando, ha sido todo un descubrimiento. Y es que en los libros de esta autora se desprende esa pasión, ese amor por la vida y esa magia con la que ella misma vive. Concepción sabe crear un universo único en sus libros, uno en el que es fácil entrar y sentirse rápidamente atrapada por sus personajes y por esa magia tan original que solo ella es capaz de narrar en sus historias.

Volver a tener un libro de esta autora entre mis manos ha sido un auténtico placer, pues ya sabía yo que adentrarme en otra de sus novelas iba a suponer un viaje lleno de fantasía que estaba deseando emprender.

In “Homing hugs”, Concepción nos ofrece una historia inspiradora con un mensaje que todos deberíamos interiorizar: ponte en primer lugar y con absoluto descaro, ¡Ámate! Una vez que elegimos querernos, la vida es, definitely, mucho mejor. Berenguela, gracias a sus amigas, a esos seres especiales y a las nuevas oportunidades que el futuro le trae, está a punto de descubrirlo.

Una novela de título sugerente que habla sobre esas decisiones que a veces no nos atrevemos a tomar, pero que sabemos que cuando nos decidamos a dar el paso cambiarán nuestra vida”.